Web scraping with Ruby and Nokogiri


updated on Aug 23, 2016

This article previously referenced Amazon, and had some issues that might have broken for some users. The post has been updated to ensure it works as of Aug 23, 2016.

If you’re building a site that compares data from different sources, chances are you might find yourself dealing with a couple of sites that don’t have an API. But us web developers, we’re a resourceful bunch, and we won’t let a little thing like a lack of accessible information stop us, right? Right! Before APIs were the norm, an easy way to grab information on the interwebs was through web scraping. If you’re using Ruby, a great library for web scraping is Nokogiri. After reading this article, if you’re interested in a deeper dive through web scraping, I’d suggest reading the Nokogiri documentation; it supports selecting web elements using CSS selectors or XPath, and is pretty robust.

Getting started

To start, let’s first install Nokogiri. Run the following:

gem install nokogiri

This command will install Nokogiri on your system. It’s better to use a Gemfile for installing Ruby libraries, but for this example, installing on our system is fine.

Now we’re going to search through New York’s Craigslist for some results of some pets in need of adoption. By digging around a bit, we’ve found a URL that will return the results we’re looking for: http://newyork.craigslist.org/search/pet?s=0.

The scrape

So, we’ve got Nokogiri installed, and we’ve got our URL. Let’s get started. First, create craigslist-scrape.rb, then add the following to this file:

require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'

url = 'http://newyork.craigslist.org/search/pet?s=0'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))

pets = doc.css("a.hdrlnk").map { |pet| "#{pet.text} - #{pet.attribute('href').to_s}" }

puts pets[0..9]

After adding this to your file, you can try running ruby craigslist-scrape.rb. The terminal should output the text of some links, as well as some relative URLs that accompany it so you can save them to a spreadsheet for further tracking:

Please adopt or foster a dog or cat from the NYACC kill list today!! - /jsy/pet/5746473654.html
Poor kitten needs your help - /brx/pet/5746472508.html
Please help my kitten in need - /fct/pet/5746469771.html
Please help my kitten - /wch/pet/5746466978.html
6 month old Holland lop needs home today - /brx/pet/5746451660.html
2 month old kittens - /brx/pet/5746420056.html
House Call Veterinarian - /que/pet/5746418041.html
Tiny pure breed Yorkie/Maltese available - /brk/pet/5746441804.html
Pythons & Monitors!!! - /mnh/pet/5730797572.html
looking to place my pocketpit plus her pups - /mnh/pet/5746399334.html

Here’s a quick line-by-line of what’s happening.

require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'

This requires the libraries we’ll be using to scrape Craigslist. Open-URI is part of Ruby’s standard library that is used for opening http, https, or ftp URLs as if they were files.

As noted before, Nokogiri is the scraper that parses the HTML DOM to find the elements we’re looking for.

url = 'http://newyork.craigslist.org/search/pet?s=0'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))

The url is given our ugly URL as a string. The doc variable utilizes the Nokogiri library to open the url variable.

pets = doc.css("a.hdrlnk").map { |pet| "#{pet.text} - #{pet.attribute('href').to_s}" }

puts pets[0..9]

The real magic happens in this one-liner. First is pets: Nokogiri uses familiar CSS selectors to traverse the DOM. By calling the method css on doc, and passing in “a.hdrlnk”, we get a list of all elements that fit this pattern. Next we add these values to an array, adding the text of the a.hrdlnk element and the href attribute of the a.hdrlnk element. From there it’s a simple matter of printing the first ten links out to our terminal via puts pets[0..9]! Pretty straightforward, right?


Web scraping can get pretty ugly, having to traverse the DOM via xpath or CSS. It highlights an inherit problem with web scraping, and one you should note if you’re thinking about depending on an external site’s structure for your content: everything is dependent on how the site exists at the present moment. If for whatever reason Amazon decided to change how its sorting was done, or built its keywords using a different POST variable, we’d have to adjust our web scraper to accommodate. As long as we understand this, however, and don’t build a program dependent on another website’s structure, we should be okay.